Sunday, December 8, 2019

St. Petersburg, Bradenton, Sarasota

Traveled to St. Petersburg for a day. Visited a large farmer market with our friends on "Cork Screw".
The next day we went to Bradenton for a couple days. Even walked to a Walgreens to get our Flu Shots, fun.
Tne onto Sarasota where we were parked beside a couple 120 ft boats.
Maggie Jo ( 5th boat down) looked like a dinghy. 

This is the enterance to the Ringling Brothers Musemum, Mansion, and Art Musemum.
Very interesting.

There was a  minature circus setup that showed the whole process of moving the circus train, to setup the tents, to the big show, to tear down.
The Enterance to Ringling Estate. Mostly European influence.

No cameras were allowed inside the estate, but the did have a nice circus Christmas Tree in the enterance.

Ringlings collected art and have a major art museum.

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